Our story

3 Bear Oats was born from its founder’s love of cooking and her many years in Europe. Having relocated to Minnesota, Therese began experimenting with steel-cut oats in ways common to Northern European meal routines. She was inspired by the Danish concept of hygge (hoo-ga), which warms hearts and homes with an emphasis on relaxation, indulgence and gratitude. Hygge curates soothing spaces and communities in the coldest days of the season, and emotional grounding all year around – the inspiration for our bowls.

A last minute request from a dinner party guest for a gluten free meal led to her first experiment with what is now the Orso Toscano flavor. The response that night and in many other friends & family trials led her to farmers markets, where she’d serve the bowls hot out of a big red kettle. There she made more connections with local farmers, which helped advance the recipes pretty much to where they are today. Many shoppers encouraged her to make the bowls more accessible every day, and would ask where they could buy them outside the farmers markets. She then learned that freezing the bowls immediately after making them kept all the flavor and quality in tact. That led her to an incubator program, and lots of supportive people who helped bring the frozen bowls to retail stores.

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Breastfeeding mothers’ little helper

At least once a month, whether we’re sampling in stores, at an event or chatting at our farmer’s market booth, someone brings up the connection between oats and breast milk production. So we did a little Googling over the holidays, and found 3 articles on the subject we thought worth sharing. To our delight, oats … Continue reading Breastfeeding mothers’ little helper

On patience . . . and going with your gut

Canvas Rebel recently interviewed Founder Therese Moore. Therese highlighted challenges all entrepreneurs face, and talked about the importance of patience in navigating through constant unexpected twists and turns. She also discussed the importance of trusting your gut, even when facing tough decisions that could force compromises in your original passion and mission. Their full exchange … Continue reading On patience . . . and going with your gut

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